Monday, March 21, 2011

Barcelony Baloney: Part Ony

I'm going to try and write as little as possible on these next 2 posts and just let most of the pictures do the talking for our trip (because there are soooo many!)  We went to Barcelona a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it!  I can't say anything else except that it was coooooolio! Food was great.  Sights were neat.  Weather was so, so but not freezing.  People were super interesting.  The trip overall was a 10 out of 9!!

We left at 5:45am for the aeropuerto!

How many other mid-20 year olds do you see playing with dirty birds and trying to catch them??.....  Call me the bird lady.

Gaudi architecture everywhere!!

Look at 'er go!!  my little tourist.

Excited to be at the most visited construction site in the world!!!! The Sagrada Familia.

Super excited.

We did some couch surfing in Barce.  This is our nice little room.

Trouchtsky.  The fattest cat ever = the happiest girl ever.

We went to the weekly market and I discovered these bad boys.  There you can buy Sega Genesis games, stamps, postcards, magazines from 1990, and movies.  I almost bought some Sonic the Hedgehog and a keychain. 
The other largest cat in the world = even happier little girl!!!!!!

Hanging out on La Rambla.  It's the main tourist district with a gazillion shops and restaurants.  Plus it had the worlds best waffles.

I'll be the judge of that......  

We had breakfast in a different place everyday!  We ate churros and chocolate here at Cafe de la Opera.

My personal favorite.  and one of the few street performers you might not have to pay to take a photo.... b/c emma is sneaky.

Here is the statue of Columbus in the downtown port area.  They always want to depict 'ol Christopher as Spanish/Catalan, but he is definitely Italian.  He did however report back to Barcelona after his most famous trip to the Americas.  Also, Columbus is suppose to be pointing to the "New World" in this statue, but he is pointing to Italy or somewhere east... 

If I was playing Tony Hawk for PS2 right now, I would be tearing up this famous downtown pier on a skateboard.

Where we park our yachts.  It looks like rain....

Not what you want to be doing with piegons and seagulls flying overhead.....

Emma's favorite little cafe... that we never tried. but it was stillllll superr cute!!!

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