Friday, October 22, 2010

Hungry, why wait?

 We have been in Spain for about a month now (Sevilla pics coming soon!!) and when you live in another country for a little while, you begin to notice things you miss from home, as well as things you wish you had at home!  Here in Spain we've noticed a lot of conveniences and inconveniences, and because of those, I've thought of a few more ideas for blog posts.  These posts might sound random, but they are nevertheless part of our "experience" and daily life here in Spain!!

Convenience #1:   The Hamburger vending machine.

While walking to the bus station one day, I was super hungry!!  and being the indecisive person I am, I couldn't choose a place to eat from all the millions of tapas bars that are here in Spain.  We passed by a normal drink machine, then a snack machine, and then..... this big daddy hamburger vending machine!!  You have your choice of nachos, hot dogs, quesadillas, bacon sandwiches, grilled cheese, chili dogs, and buffalo wings!  mmmmmmmmmmm  tasty and convenient if you plan on spending a full day in the baño.... 


  1. You spend your time on a post like this and you haven't even mentioned anything about us yet?
